Reportatio parisiensis duns scotus pdf

The section on scotuss works is considerably out of date, given the rapid progress of the critical editions since the time the companion was published, as well as giorgio pinis discovery of the longlost expositio on aristotles metaphysics. In this question notes a, b and c 3 refer to the principle argument. Reportatio iva is the second in a series of parisian lectures that john duns scotus gave on peter lombards sentences in the early part of the 14th century. Duns the scot, was a scottish catholic priest and franciscan friar, university professor, philosopher, and theologian. The examined report of the paris lecture, reportatio 1a latin edition john duns scotus, allan b. Franciscan institute publications releases john duns. Scotus has had considerable influence on both catholic and secular thought. Pdf pdf duns scotus on the reality of selfchange, in selfmotion from aristotle to newton, edited by marylouise gill and jim lennox, princeton university press 1994, 227290.

His brilliantly complex and nuanced thought, which earned him the nickname the subtle doctor, left a mark on discussions of such disparate topics as the semantics of religious language, the problem of universals, divine illumination, and the nature of human. In the present article i use the reportatio parisiensis instead of the lectura or ordinatio. Note on the text reportatio parisiensis 1a is found in. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. He is one of the three most important philosophertheologians of western europe in the high middle ages, together with thomas aquinas and william of ockham. John duns scotus 1265668 was one of the most important and influential philosophertheologians of the high middle ages. A reportatio is a student report or transcription of the original lecture of a master.

Scotus voluntarist approach to the atonement reconsidered. A provisional synoptic edition of all the versions of reportatio parisiensis iv dd. The doctrines for which he is best known are the univocity of being, that. May 12, 2016 this is by definition a work in progress. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read. The initial revision was probably begun in the summer of 0 see the remarks in question 2 that apparently allude to the battle of homs in 1299, news of which probably reached oxford in the. A version that has been checked by the master himself is known as a reportatio examinata. The life and works of john duns the scot 1 thomas williams 1 scotus on metaphysics 15 peter king 2 space and time 69 neil lewis 3 universals and individuation 100 timothy b. What follows here is the introduction to the cambridge companion to duns scotus. Complete summary of john duns scotus on divine love. John duns 8 november 8, commonly called duns scotus in latin pronounced as duns. Born at duns in the county of berwick, scotland, john was descended from a wealthy farming family. In their commentaries on the sentences, richard of middleton, john duns scotus, william ockham and gabriel biel reflect whether mentallydisturbed people can receive the sacraments baptism, eucharist, confession, marriage and fulfil juridical actions make a will or take an oath. This article announces the discovery of a third version of john duns scotus reportatio parisiensis iv, contained in a recently identified manuscript and a fragment.

View all notes for scotus, the will does need the intellect to present it with things that i can desire or choose. Duns scotus in english translation xv introduction. Download citation john duns scotuss reportatio parisiensis examinata. Scotuss voluntarism, which includes the claim that nearly all of gods relations with the created order. The two most important concepts in duns scotuss 126568 theology of the atonement are satisfaction and merit. Wenngleich duns scotus diese frage im kontext eines theologischen werkes. John duns scotus stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. The lectura, by contrast, are not notes made by students, but rather the. Duns scotuss parisian question on the formal distinction. A mystery solved this study resolves a fundamental dilemma in the extant manuscript. Authorsduns scotusreportatio parisiensis the logic museum. Controversy between philosophers and theologians num. They consider that the main problem in madmen in relation to the sacraments.

Lector apud universitatem parisiensem et frater franciscanus erat. The reportatio parisiensis is the collective name given to transcriptions of the lectures on the sentences given by scotus in paris. The examined report of the paris lecture, reportatio 1a latin edition. A humble man, john duns scotus has been one of the most influential franciscans through the centuries. Brown the french franciscan, peter aureoli, was born shortly before 1280 near cahors in the south of france. John duns scotuss reportatio parisiensis examinata.

The lectura, by contrast, are not notes made by students, but rather the lecture. But there are some useful resources available that are not easily stumbled across, so i thought there might be some use to this collection of links. Duns scotus on signification 99 signs receive their significative function ad placitum. I make no pretensions to this page providing a systematic guide to scotist material that is available online. An introduction to medieval theology medieval theology, in all its diversity, was radically theocentric. An ordinatio is a text that has been ordered or edited for publication. Johannes duns scotus doctor subtilis et marianus o. Ioannes duns scotus, qui doctor subtilis dicitur natus ut videtur in oppido duns vicecomitatus bervicensis circa annum 1266. This book, along with its companion volume i, give the reader, both in latin and in english translation, a solid working text of the examined report of the paris lecture of john duns scotus, known to scholars as reportatio ia. It is well known that duns scotus is eager to defend the wills autonomy from the intellect. Utrum in parte intellectiua proprie sumpta sit memoria habens speciem intelligibilem realiter distinctam ab actu intelligendi et praeuiam actui intellectus.

Just what these amount to and how they function in his theory are heavily conditioned by two more general commitments. The ordinatio of blessed john duns scotus prologue first part page 23 on the necessity of revealed doctrine single question. The cambridge companion to duns scotus thomas williams. Eucharist, for which duns scotus had a very deep devotion and which he saw as the sacrament of the real presence of jesus and as the sacrament of unity and communion that induces us to love each other and to love god, as the supreme good we have in common cf. Reportatio parisiensis duns scotus scg summa contra gentiles thomas aquinas. Scotus ordinatio is his revision of the lectures he gave as a bachelor at oxford, transcribed as the lectura. An introduction mary beth ingham in this muchanticipated work, distinguished authors mary beth ingham and mechthild dreyer present an accessible introduction to the philosophy of the thirteenth century franciscan john duns scotus.

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